Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Keeping it real...

 This one will definitely go in my Exercise Room!!
Attitude is everything!
If I wake up in a crappy mood, most likely I will have a crappy day. Unless...I do some attitude adjusting right away. One thing's for sure, I do not want my bad mood to affect everyone I come in contact with. So, I always try to stay positive and keep a smile on my face. The last thing I want is for someone to have a bad image of me in their head. When people think of me I want them to smile. :) :) :)
I love the quotes up above. They are so true! The first one goes along with anything in life. The other two, nail it on the head when it comes to exercising!
I am a P.R.O.C.R.A.S.T.I.N.A.T.O.R! It is awful!! I have all these grand ideas and only a fraction of them get half done and a select few get mostly done and maybe one gets completed. In the beginning of the year I selected a motto to live by..."Keep it Simple, Stupid!"...or, K.I.S.S. And, I can't say that I have followed it too well...but...I do repeat it to myself quite often.
I drive myself NUTS with pinning stuff on Pinterest!! Seriously...I already have enough on my plate without adding on all these awesome projects that I now want to do! So...I have given myself a self- talk. And, this is how it went...I said, "Self...Why do you torture yourself like this?? Why do you think you need to take enough 2x4's to build a house and Hodge Podge every picture to it? Why do you pin hundreds of recipes that will immediately overstimulate your brain to shut down and then not cook any of them?" Again..."Queen of Good Intentions...a Fool at Follow Through" So, this was my reply..."Ok...I will stop trying to turn myself into a basket case by overwhelming my brain with all of this!" Projects are great here and there, but I need to regain my focus and worry about things that matter!
This leads me to K.I.S.S...don't over-complicate...take one thing at a time. If my plans are laid out and organized, my brain feels of to relax. I am again working on making monthly plans. But...I'm taking one category at a time this time. I am notorious for trying to plan out everything all at once..."just to get it done". And, by doing that...yes, they're all done, but not really to my satisfaction. So...I don't use them.
So, the first monthly plan I have done is, my exercise plan...which is the easiest. I have really grown to love exercise! For the very reason of getting my "attitude adjustment". When I exercise right after I drop my kids off at school...those are the best days! I feel energized...I feel accomplished...and I feel proud of myself. That changes my whole attitude, so I make better choices for the rest of the day. Usually. I hate the days that I try to convince myself to not give it my all.  And then, fail to do what I know I needed to do. I usually end up in a pissed off, screw it kind of mood that day. That is why, it was important for me to sit down and plan out my exercise. I wrote down each day and listed all the options that I had for each day. I refuse to force myself to do something that isn't enjoyable. If I don't like what I'm doing, I won't want to do it. And, I change it up day to day and week to week....that also keeps my body changing and my mind entertained. December is tough because of all the added chaos of the holidays. But...I made it work and I will definitely get my exercise in 6 days a week.
My next monthly plan is FOOD! It's not done, but I have simplified my expectations of how I normally try to organize it. I am sensitive to the fact that life is Once this plan is will be so rewarding because I have been procrastinating this one for MONTHS!
I have also added on an extra special challenge for myself. I have decided to go NO SUGAR, at least until my year anniversary, but even after that...very little. Maybe just some chocolate every so often. Crazy, right?? Especially starting it now, when all the baking is going on! The reason why is...I was looking at my progress over these past few months, and I have only lost 20 lbs since July. That is NOT the progress that I wanted. So...I have amped up my exercise, taken away sugar and when I get this meal plan done...I'll be good to go!! I am excited for this challenge and to see how much determination I have! I can totally do this!! Here's to a December that the weight will come off! Unheard of! But...completely possible!


Alexis said...

Awesome Jill!!!! I am stopping by from Operation get my body back. A few of my friends from my fitness challenge group are also giving up sugar. We are just going two weeks until right before Christmas. I am not going to lie, it is really hard..... reading labels, saying now, dealing with cravings, withdrawal (I get real headaches, irritibility, obsessing with sugar!) but it only lasts a few days then it is so much easier and FREEING. Please please stick with it!!

I really want to encourage you to stick with it the whole journey as well. Make small healthy choices, stay involed with that facebook page for encouragement and ideas and you can do it. It will take a while but enjoy every victory along the way. Your health and family and YOU are so worth it. The hardest part for me was figuring out that I deserve to be thin and fit. I deserve to wear size *insert the unimaginable goal here* because you do can. Once you determine that your are worth it you can do it! I am so proud of you :)

Keep us all involved and updated!

mylettersofhealing said...

Jill, you are a-mazing! I made the mistake of eating candy at Halloween. Now I am a crazy person again. ;) After Christmas (I have been crazy since Halloween what is a few more weeks. Ya that isn't the best mantra I have ever come up with. Lol.) I am getting back on my no candy wagon that I fell off of. Keep up the good work one healthy habit at a time :)

Sam and Kaylee said...

This Christmas season you are going to need a big warning sign at your front door, " All love will be received sugar free!" You're always an inspiration for me Jill. You're not afraid to do hard things. All of us need this determination and motivation. Thanks for being mine for today!