Sunday, January 1, 2012

It's a new year!! K.I.S.S.

Keep It Simple Stupid...that is my new motto. K.I.S.S.
I have developed a pattern over the years and I call it the curse of the "over's". What I mean by that is I over-complicate, over-analyze, over-indulge, over-eat, over-worry, over-think, over-promise and I am sure there is more...but, I won't over-bore you with a longer list! ;) And...yes, I know, some of these are not actual words. But, bear with know what I'm trying to say!
So, since this is the start of a new year...I have come up with a resolution that falls in line with my new motto by keeping it simple. Which is to BE body, mind and soul. The goal itself won't be simple to achieve because there are a lot of things that need to be done. But..."Be healthy" does sum up all my desires into a simple 2 word resolution. Pretty straightforward to some...probably a little vague to others. I don't have all the answers, so I can't list a bunch of resolutions with certainty that they will work. All I can do is follow my heart and instincts and do what I feel is right in order to be healthy. And, that's all I to be healthy.
I have done a lot of soul-searching over that past few months. I don't know why I have developed a food addiction and I don't know why I turn to food all the time. be completely honest...I don't care! I could spend my whole life wondering why, and then use the fact that I haven't figured it out, as an excuse to not do anything about it. Or, I can do what I know is right and quit pissin' and moanin' about it. And, also stop running away from the hard work and dedication it's going to take to get it done.
Even though, when I started this blog, I had a different expectation on where I would be at this point,  I am not disappointed with myself. I understand that there is a learning process in everything we do, in order to be successful. It's not easy to change lifelong patterns and habits overnight. Just be aware of your limits and then push yourself out of your comfort zone.
I just recently accomplished something that I wasn't confident I could do. I walked 3 1/2 miles! For me...that's a BIG deal! And, I wouldn't have done it if it weren't for some great friends that know how to push my buttons and give me a challenge and push me out of my comfort zone. ;) Love you guys!
My first step in achieving my goal is to start Weight Watchers again. And, this time...I will have a lot better attitude going in and do what I need to do!
My next step is working with a trainer/nutritionist/therapist as an added helper, since I know I can't do this alone!
Before, when I would look at myself in the mirror...I couldn't imagine what I would look like 200 lbs thinner. Now, I can totally see it! Although it would be nice to drop 200 lbs overnight, I am excited to look back on this experience and see all that I have learned about myself.
This is going to be a GOOD year!! I can FEEL it!
Just a forewarning to those that I am closest with...I will be pretty moody at first and may bite, so be prepared!! :)

1 comment:

The Whittacres said...

I may not be brave enough like my kids to be the first to "clog the toilet" lol but I can take your moods and your bites...bring it on! I'm ready for it! And excited for you!