Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Giving Thanks

So, this is the month that we think about what we are thankful for. So, instead of doing one each day...I decided to do all 30 days at once.
There are SO many things that we have to be thankful for. And, I like the fact that November has turned into a month for people to express their "Thanks". I agree that we need to always be thankful, but I don't feel it's necessary to express it verbally all the time. It's like having Mother's Day. Yes, mother's need to be appreciated everyday. But, I like the fact, that we have that one day, where the kids can ponder and really think about their mom's. If things are celebrated or expressed frequently they can lose their "specialness" and sometimes even their sincerity. But, that's just my opinion. And, I may feel that way because I hate repetition...who knows.
Anyway...I do enjoy hearing what everyone is thankful for though, because it's not always the same. True, we are all thankful for our families...well, most of us are. ;) And, there are several other things that are obvious too. But, I like to hear the off the wall things people are thankful for...it's fun to hear what's important to some but maybe not to everyone.
So, here is my list...in no particular order...
1. I am thankful for my parents- without them, I wouldn't exist. They have a wonderful marriage and have set such a good example to me. They have so much love and respect for each other. They have given me a childhood that any child would envy. I have a great relationship with each of them and it just gets better and better as we get older. Eventhough they are my parents, and it was their duty to raise and discipline me, they have always done it with respect. They get the point across without treating me like a child and I think that is the best way to parent. I love them very much and I am so thankful they are mine!
2. I am thankful for my husband- I lucked out big time with this one! In my eyes, he is darn near perfect! What a gentle, kind soul he is. He sets such a good example to those around him. He is hardworking, easygoing, dependable, beyond smart, silly, loving...I could go on and on! What a blessing he has been in my life. And, to top it all off, he has given me 3 beautiful children!
3. I am thankful for Colby- he is the one that I see the most of myself in. He has a lot of Mike too, but the more obvious traits are mine. He is a leader and likes to control the situation. He is my "problem-solver". This kid can figure out how to fix something or make it more efficient without much effort. He has really developed a quick wit, which I have a lot of fun with. :) He is the one I would call my "Momma's boy". He loves to cuddle and give his Mommy extra love.
4. I am thankful for Brett- this kid is Mike through and through. He is silly and completely oblivious to a lot of things around him. He cracks me up and he loves to make people laugh. He has Mike's sense of humor, which is silly and animated. Whereas, Colby has mine, which is dry and sarcastic. He is a gamer and loves strategy. He is also the most sensitive. He is the one that, it just breaks my heart if things don't go his way. He is very aware of my moods and he is the first to step in if he knows that my nerves are shot.
5. I am thankful for Sydney- What a character! I haven't totally nailed down her personality yet. I do know, that she will be onery and a jokester. She is STUBBORN and persistant. She is such a little lover and she loves hugs and kisses. She is always grabbing my hand and putting it with Mike's so we'll hold hands. She tends to gravitate to Colby a little more especially for help. She goes to Brett for fun and playing. She is smarter than she leads on and always amazes me with things she's picked up on or remembers.
6. I am thankful for my friends- I have made a lot of great friends over the past few years and I am so thankful for all their love and support. I enjoy having such a variety of friends. That way I have options on who to go to for certain problems...mainly, so I always hear what I want to hear! :) LOL
7. I am thankful for my extended family- I don't get to see them often, but that doesn't make our love for each other any less. Eventhough, many of them are far away, they still support and love me and cheer me on.
8. I am thankful for the men and women that risk their lives to help and/or save others...military, police officers, firefighters, etc.
9. I am thankful for teachers and all the hard work they put into educating others.
10. I am thankful for modern medicine and the resources we have to heal and to fix our bodies.
11. I am thankful for painkillers and Anesthesia...no explanation needed.
12. I am thankful for ALL transportation...it would really suck to have to walk or swim everywhere.
13. I am thankful for computers. Although, I don't understand them and they can cause me a lot of aggravation, they are truly a luxury to have. And, it's just mind boggling how much they can do.
14. I am thankful for kitchen appliances and washers and dryers. My life as a stay-at-home mom would be incredibly different and difficult and exhausting without them.
15. I am thankful for indoor plumbing. I have heard many stories from my grandmother about her experiences with going outside to the bathroom and with just getting water. Not something I want to deal with.
16. I am thankful for grocery stores for making it so easy to get food.
17. I am thankful for electricity. I have a warm or cool home whenever I need it. It makes #13 and #14 even possible to be thankful for, as well as a lot from #10 and #16. Let's face it...electricity is just plain wonderful. I can turn on the light...I can watch TV...
18. I am thankful for cameras and the ability to catch those moments that you want to always remember or to use as blackmail should the situation arise. :)
19. I am thankful for music. I love how it can calm my mood, pump me up or make me reminisce. It is my stress relief. I LOVE to drive in my car with my windows down and the music blaring...preferably at night by myself. Nothing more therapeutic than that.
20. I am thankful for Microsoft and the fact that Mike has a job that he loves. They have been a tremendous company to work for and have been very generous to Mike and our family.
21. I am thankful for the church and the power of prayer. I may struggle from time to time with certain things, but I am truly thankful that it has been brought into my life.
22. I am thankful for schools because it gives kids a place to go to learn. They not only gain knowledge there, but they also gain social skills and friends. It gives them a place, in addition to their own home, to help them get ready to take on the world.
23. I am thankful for books and the ability to educate myself  with whatever sparks my interest at the moment.
24. I am thankful for dogs. They are a lot of work, but I love the unconditional love they show and excitement that have.
25. I am thankful for nature and all the beauty it provides.
26. I am thankful for rain and the clean feel and smell it brings. Unless you are near a desert...then it smells like cat pee. So, I try to avoid that. :)
27. I am thankful for vacuums, without them, I would have to pick up everything by hand. Can you imagine?!
28. I am thankful for cell phones. They can be a major distraction in a lot of ways, but overall, they are SO convenient.
29. I am thankful for chocolate and the ability it has to make everything all better.
And finally...
30. I am thankful for comedy and smiles and laughter without those, my life would be pretty boring!
Well...another year is almost over. I can't believe that I am 34 years old and I have 3 kids...two of which are going to be 10 years old soon. And, Mike and I have been together for 15 years! It's CRAZY! I still feel like a teenager...like, I am too young to make big decisions and be the CEO of a family...just so you know, Mike is the CFO. lol ;)
Hard to believe that, I have been blogging about my "weight loss journey" for about 4 months now, and I haven't lost any weight. There's something kinda funny about that. I may not have lost weight, but that's ok. It WILL happen. I am just thankful for everything I've learned over these 4 months. And, I am fixing my thoughts and working on the root of the problem. Eventhough physical changes aren't noticeable yet, there has been a lot of mental and emotional progress made.
I have been working on our meal plan this past week, and it is coming together very nicely. A big "Thank you" to all of you that have contributed helpful advice over the past months!  What's nice is, I think I have finally figured out a way to be successful! Super excited!!! I have to be honest though...with the holidays coming up...I am not too focused on losing weight just yet. I am getting my ducks in a row to make it happen after the New Year. Likely story, I know! But... you just watch...I'm gonna do it!!

1 comment:

The Whittacres said...

I know you are going to do it! It takes time...love all your thanks...I am thankful for all those things too including your kids and your husband they are awesome and even your parents for that matter. I may have only met your mom briefly at the mall that one day but without them I wouldn't have a walking partner nor the good comedic friend that you are that adds sunshine to my world. ;-) (okay cheesy but true!)