Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Tough changes to be made.

I just don't wanna.
The constant mind wars are so exhausting.
I am a smart person. I know exactly what I need to do.
I just don't wanna.
Yes, I know. Real mature. But...I can't help it. That's how I feel.
I am beyond pissed off, disappointed, frustrated with myself. Because...yet again, I was on a great path...I was losing weight and feeling great. Then...POW! My mind goes nutso. I fell off the wagon, big time. :(
I hear all these words of advice, "Go see a therapist." "Go to an addiction meeting." "Take medication to control this or that."
I just don't wanna.
I have tried each of those in some form or fashion. And, I don't like any of them! They makes me feel like I'm more screwed up than I already am. And, that is not helpful for me. I already overthink things. The last thing that I need, is something else to make me feel even more self conscious about who I am and what I'm doing. I need to learn self confidence. I need to believe in myself. I need to be strong and make the changes that I know I need and want to make. Problem is...I am a creature of habit, so developing new habits/routines is very tough. Actually...what's tough is, being consistent and sticking with it.
My goal, all along, was to do this on my own. Meaning...I want to be in charge of how I eat, and how I exercise, and how long it takes me to reach my goal.  I am a very independent person. Many people see me as a very social person. Which in some cases I am. But...I grew up as an only child. I am very comfortable with doing things on my own. But, I have learned as I've gotten older to ask for help when I've reached my limits. I just don't feel like I'm there right now. I will ask for advice when I don't know how to do something, but then I prefer to do it myself. I don't like to feel like I'm somebody's problem or that I'm a burden on someone.
I also feel that I'm pretty aware of my state of mind and my behaviors...I hope. And, I'll do self head checks frequently. I have learned to listen to my body and make the adjustments to help better my efforts.
I will say though, I have needed this time of  'falling off the wagon' to reflect on all that I have been through and accomplished. I have discovered that some of my personality traits are hindering my progress. I don't like to be pushed. In fact, it makes me want to rebel and dig my heels in even further. I don't work well under pressure or with too much coming at me all at once. I also enjoy not having a strict schedule to live by. I really don't like having to check in with anybody. Let's just say, I prefer the laid back and calm lifestyle.
That's what I prefer.
However...I know that, if I want to complete this mission to get healthy and lose this weight, I'm going to have to make some major changes.
A lot of my routines and choices are killing my progress. So, I have pinpointed some that I need to focus on.
1. Sleep- My sleep patterns are a big problem. It's as if  I am reliving my days before I discovered I had Sleep Apnea. I eat sugar to stay awake, I'm awake and then crash, I gain weight which makes me more lethargic/tired, so I eat to stay awake. It's a vicious cycle. But, once I put myself on a set sleep schedule, it will make a world of difference. It will also help reset my cortisol levels, which I already know are out of whack.
2. Soda- I have noticed recently that soda is the #1 contributor to my water retention and bloat. My legs will swell up and feel like I'm dragging around dead and heavy weights. I never made that connection before...or maybe, I never wanted that to be the connection, so I overlooked it.
3. Structure- It's something that makes me feel restricted, which I hate. But...it is something that is necessary to ease the stress that I always have because things don't get done. When I complete a list that I have written with jobs to do, it is so rewarding. I feel accomplished and productive, and that helps lift my mood. When my mood is high, I then have the motivation to do more.
4. Wind down time- It's not good to overstimulate my brain before bed. I will play Candy Crush or whatever right before I go to bed and it takes forever to calm my mind down! I see those stupid candies in my brain...I make matches with my eyes closed. Drives me crazy!! I want to come up with a routine to calm my mind, so I can sleep deeper and not so restless.
5. Zone out time- I need time to zone out. It usually involves music. Sometimes, it is LOUD music in my car with the windows down...no kids...just me driving and singing like a fool. Sometimes, it is calming music playing while I lose myself into a project...usually with something crafty. Other times, it is getting on the floor and organizing something, going through pictures or rearranging something. Again, with music in the background.
6. Planning- I have recently set up a "menu" program with the family, that helps me plan out dinners for the week. Genius!! It has worked like a charm for several weeks. Right now it's just dinners. Small steps. Plus it was the test to see if it would help. I am now going to do the same for myself with breakfast and lunch planning once I start WW again. It will help me stay on track and not wing it so often, which results in eating poorly.
7. Exercise- I am going to stay active. I am going to treat it like a M-F job. It will be thought of, in my mind, as the necessary task to complete the hour before the store is ready for business. Yes, I was a Store Manager, this is how I function. I will be walking for sure and also do other activities that are fun, so I will enjoy it instead of dread it. I don't want to be a bodybuilder or a marathon runner. I want to be toned and fit.
8. Accountability- I will be joining WW again. This is where I will get the "therapy" "addiction group meeting" "the medication" that I'll need. I will be with "my people" who understand what goes on in my head. I will get the "rah rah's" and applause that I need to boost my self confidence and esteem. It will keep me in check with portions.
Like I said, I am smart. I know what I need to do. It will take a lot of self discipline. I will involve a lot of self pep talks. It will require compassion and patience when some days don't go as well. It will also involve lots of words of encouragement and recognition when things do go well.
I will prevail!!
I have made a promise to Brett that I will fulfill. This summer we went to Wet 'n Wild. And, I only went on one ride. I couldn't get past the feeling of everybody staring at me plus the lack of agility I had in maneuvering my body. I felt huge and clumsy. So...I watched instead. Brett, in particular, voiced his disappointment..not in a mean way. So, I promised him that next summer when we go to a water park, whether it be in Las Vegas or somewhere else, I will be thin enough to ride the rides with him.
This is my goal. In February of this year I was at my thinnest at 288 lbs, I had lost 85 lbs at that point. Since then I have put on quite a bit again...I haven't weighed yet...I'm too afraid to, really. :/ I will though, once I start WW again next week. I figure, the water parks will open next June, so that gives me roughly 9 months to work on fulfilling that promise. Considering my size and amount of weight I have to lose, I feel a reasonable goal, one that shouldn't be too overwhelming would be to lose 75 lbs. That should put me under the weight that I was at in February. If I can really wrap my head around all of the things that I listed above, there's no telling what I can accomplish!!
So...here's to...changing the "I just don't wanna" to "I'm just gonna!" I know...that was kinda silly. But, you get the idea. :D


Unknown said...

35You know what you need to do. You know you have the strength to do and I know you do too. You are a fighter and this is a huge fight. Be proud of how far you have come. Baby steps = progress. As for reading your blog I do. I would love to see your recipes and all the other stuff you have to offer BUT I think you need to make sure it isn't a distraction from what is more important. Don't add more to your plate if it is going to distract you from your other goals. Good luck and YOU GO GIRL!

mylettersofhealing said...

Ok I have tried to leave this comment three times now. Maybe I should take that as a sign that my comment is as fabulous as I originally thought it was. LOL. But I will try again. I agree with what Ruth said, ALL of it.I just have one thought on the sleeping issue. I have a VERY active mind which makes it hard to go to sleep. But, when the hubby and I took a hypnobirthing class 6.5 years ago it seriously helped in that department. I still listen to the relaxing music they gave us or one of the guided meditations. Now, I am not suggesting that you take a child birth class. LOL. But if you would like I could burn you a CD and you could try it. It may help. It may not. If nothing else you might just get a good chuckle out of it as you realize how weird I truly am. LOL. It is the meditation itself that helps me. It forces my mind to calm down and my body to relax so that I can go to sleep and stay asleep. I still have rough nights but on those nights I just keep the CD rolling. :)

Chanell said...

I love reading your blog... I always like to add new semi/or really healthy meals that arent too hard to make... I have just been thinking and talking about needed new ones to add to our mix.? As for sleeping... If I can't get my brain to shut off I read (usually scriptures) or journal... I don't know if it's just the lack of blinking(for some reason my eyes just stay open and forget to blink) or the release of emotions, but either option usually does the trick for me!!!.. Youve got this jill!!! can't wait to see and hear about the small and large victories!!!

Mary Wright said...

I don't wanna either. I completely understand and you have my most profound support. It's hard to motivate the unmoveable object and that would be me. Struggles are so unique to each of us but those demons no matter how they manifest are a beast for each of us. If you want to swim, I'm your buddy. I need someone to go with. For me it's the boredom of laps, the awful chlorine hair and the fact that I HATE to work out even though I was once a rock hard fitness instructor. Sugar in any purified form is poison for you and I . Causes sluggishness and makes me hurt, so I juice and that helps me get the nutrition
I need. Hugs, slow and steady wins the race and geez, I hate racing, it's too much like working out. ;)

Michele A said...

Billy, you are a determined woman. The "I don't wannas" seem to have a way to creep in all the time. Keep up the great attitude. It will carry you far. Love you!

Jeannie said...

I definitely read your blog. We really do share some similar issues. One of the things that torments me the most is that I have a degree in health sciences. That really adds to my guilt because I really do know what I need to do and I just don't want to do it. The one thing I remember most from my behavior modification class is that knowledge does not necessarily lead to adherence. It is a very early step in the behavior modification process. I have been signed up for WW online for over a year and have tracked maybe a week total. I could never find a meeting I liked (I only have Saturdays to choose from). I have gone to the gym every weekday since school started because I go after I drop my oldest off at seminary. Have I lost weight? Nope! Because I haven't been watching what I eat. It makes me want to stop even though I know all I have to do is change my food and I will lose weight. It is definitely frustrating! I am with you and you are inspiring with your honesty and openness. :)