Friday, May 10, 2013

Hormonal Wreck!

I am an emotional wreck! It's like Jekyll and Hyde some days. It's such a frustrating place to be in this journey of mine. Not at all what I thought I'd be going through, a year and half into this transformation. I seriously thought it would get easier with time. hormones have literally knocked me off my feet!!
I am beyond frustrated with this crap!! It all started in February, I knew something was going on with my body and my mind, I just didn't know what. My whole life, I have been relatively pretty healthy, which has been a great blessing. Sure...I have Type 2 Diabetes and Sleep Apnea...but, neither one has really given me problems that I couldn't work through. But, what I'm going through right now is something that I've never experienced and I'm having an extremely hard time controlling myself. I don't like admitting when I'm not ok because I feel like a whiner and a hypochondriac that is making this stuff up in my head. But, let me just assure you, that I'm not making this stuff up.
It all seemed to have hit me like a ton of bricks. All of the sudden, I couldn't control my emotions and my motivation totally went out the window. Which is why I had all that blood work done and the results of that, thankfully, gave me a starting point as to what is happening with me. What I found out was that my hormones are out of balance because my cortisol levels are high...which in turn has left me with Adrenal Fatigue. It is actually a very common thing, a lot of people have experienced it at some point in their life. I'll just tell SUCKS!!!
I bought this book to help me understand exactly what Adrenal Fatigue is and what I need to do to get back to normal.

What a great book!! It's very informative...I'll have to read it a couple of times to really understand it all. But...what I've read so far has explained things a lot.
One of the main things that I have been going through is weight gain...I've put on 30 lbs since the beginning of March. This has really upset me because I've worked SO hard to lose this weight. But, what this book explained to me was that... "Excessive cortisol can also stimulate your appetite, causing overeating and cravings for sugary and high-calorie fatty foods that are too strong to fight." This was comforting to read because I literally feel like I am possessed when it comes to food right now. It's far more exaggerated than my usual cravings and bad days. I CRAVE sugar...I search for it. And, I have NO desire to eat healthy.
Another issue I have been having is I can go from a great mood to an irritated or sad mood instantly. It's weird. I could be talking to Mike just like normal and a flood of emotion will take over and I can't control the tears. Or...the kids will argue just a little bit louder than normal and I lose my cool and yell...LOUDLY.  Granted...I'm not one of those saints that never yells at her kids when they get out of hand. But...this is different, it hits me like a switch and I can feel the "flip out" starting. In the book it says, "Chronic overproduction of cortisol can also lead to depression...anxiety disorders...mood swings. Impulse control and emotional equanimity can also become impaired." Now...I'm not saying that I was never moody before. I'm a woman, we're ALL moody. However, these moods are way more extreme and sudden than usual. I had actually written a post on this blog about a week ago, and I shared it like I normally do. But, something inside me was not comfortable with that post. I reread it several times and each time I felt uneasy about I deleted it. It was written when I was in a bad head space, it seemed very dark to me and I don't like that. Maybe I should have kept it because it keeps it real and shows all my of my sides and thoughts. But, I didn't feel like it was written by the real was an hormonally altered me. So...I got rid of it.
Another issue is the fact that I am exhausted even though I haven't done much. Grocery shopping seems like an impossible task that just sounds like too much work. I will have my "energetic" times, usually late morning, but by noonish...I crash. I was out shopping one morning, and I was doing great...finding all kinds of things that I like...I went to several different stores, no problem. But, around noon, I was walking around Home Goods, doing just fine...then all of the sudden I felt this overwhelming feeling of exhaustion. I got a headache, my body became SUPER heavy, I was irritated and ready to go and ready to go RIGHT NOW. After I got home, that was one of those days that I couldn't control my emotions. I was talking to Mike and then I couldn't stop crying. I had reached a level of whatever that got to be too much to handle. The book says, "When your adrenals are fatigued, you'll feel chronically tired. Cortisol plays a key role in balancing blood sugar, so it helps your body manage your daily ebbs and flows of energy."
I won't even begin to talk about my memory and ability to concentrate and focus. It's a joke...almost non-existent.
The hardest thing for me to accept about this, is the fact that my hormones are seriously throwing me for a loop. I'm not used to dealing with something that I can't control with pep-talks or whatever. This is new territory for me. All I know is...that I need to get it under control ASAP!! I miss my old self!! I miss having the excitement to exercise and KILL it!! I miss the desire to count my calories and then looking forward to posting my weight loss numbers. Now, I'm just ashamed and disappointed in myself and I just want to go hide under a rock until this all goes away.
I haven't finished reading the book yet. It also explains how to treat Adrenal Fatigue with steps on how to manage the stresses in life and how to eat in a way that will best benefit the recovery of the adrenal glands. So, in the meantime, I just have to be super aware of my limits and take care of myself in a different way.
This has definitely put a wrench in my progress and completely changed where I had envisioned I'd be in my journey at this point. But...oh well...such is life. I will roll with the punches and make the adjustments necessary to push through and see this to the matter how long it takes. It's just one of those speed bumps that we all hate.


Unknown said...

In all seriousness, you have me concerned that I may suffer from a mild case of this. Just since having my kids and heart surgery. I have had a lot of those issues. Some days are good but other days I just snap in an instant (no reason either) today when I was wrapping Nathan's gifts I realized I bought two pair of sweat pants (one was suppose to be a sweatshirt) I got so angry instantly. I literally threw the pants across the room. Literally threw a temper tantum with my feet that is scared Kate. I felt destructive although didn't actually destroy anything. I have been so impossible today and looking back at my attitude has been so irrational. I was telling Nathan a few months ago that I get in moods that I feel like a gremlin has overtaken me. I don't realize it in the moment but then later I look back and think WOW I over reacted big time and there are times where in the mist of it I am thinking calm down this is irrational but I just can't stop myself. (nothing abusive) just out of control yelling or crying with nothing big to trigger it. It could be anything. I have noticed this happens since having kids/surgery. I always chalked it up as a stressed parent (and maybe for me it is) but whether or not it is just that I feel like getting that book because it may benefit me even if I don't suffer from the same thing. But boy does it sound like me. And eating issues with it. GREAT GIGANTIC HUGS!!!

mylettersofhealing said...

Oh my! This is EXACTLY how I felt when my allergist put me on Singular. I took myself off of it. I expected a backlash from the Dr. Not because he is mean, he is really awesome, but let's face it Dr.'s frown on patients putting airs on that they know better than they do. Lol. At first he asked if I wanted a lower dose, possibly the children's dose. But, as I told him more about my moods he said that he would absolutely never prescribe it for me and put in my chart that I am allergic to the drug so no one else will prescribe it to me. Anyways, The point of my story is that I have been off of singular for 9 months or so and I feel like I am STILL trying yo find normal. So your post makes me wonder about myself..... more than normal ;). Is there anything that can be done to control your cortisol levels? You are one strong woman! Sending prayers and hugs for even more strength!

Michele A said...

Oh Billy!! I'm soooo sorry you are experiencing this too. BUT... after everything I've read and experienced, it's about knowing your own limitations and having realistic expectations.

Limit your activities and your day will go much better. Know that you have a limited "Energy bank" and when the bank is empty, there's nothing left to give. (Nothing good happens when the bank is empty.) It's OK to say "No" to people and activities you usually give to.

Expect to feel defeated but know that tomorrow is a new day and learn from today. It will make each day a little easier. Expect to eat trash and gain weight. UGH!! After all that work! I'd like to say "limit your junk intake" but realistically, unless you satisfy the beast within, it WILL NOT LEAVE!

Lastly, know that it will end one day, at least the worst of it. My worst lasted for 3 months with another 12 months of VERY slow recovery time with medication to help. Even now, there are times when I just have to take a nap or say no to activities I'd normally have participated in. You still have an "energy bank" but with time it will hold more and store longer.

Know this: Christ is our Saviour and is the only one who truely knows how we feel because he felt it for us. Get on your knees, get to the temple and get a priesthood blessing! Don't do it alone. Let the powers of heaven help you walk this difficult part of the path in life. I love you sis and I have BEEN THERE and survived to tell about it. You too will make it through but it's tough! When you pray for yourself, also pray for your family. They are just as much a part of this too! They will learn to serve you and be better people for it. Let them be part of the solution. LOVE YOU!!!!