Friday, January 4, 2013

Think like a skinny girl.

"Think like a skinny girl", she says. Yep...Aimee expects me to think like a skinny girl. on earth do I do that?!? I'm NOT skinny...nor have I ever been skinny!
"Thoughts are energy", she says. The thoughts that mull around in my head affect what my body does. Ok...I guess I can see that. do I think like a skinny girl?? What does a skinny girl think? I always assume they think, "I'm starving, where's the food?" LOL! If that's what they think...awesome! it covered! But...I highly doubt that's what she meant. **sigh** Now, I have to dig deeper and start thinking in a way that I never have before.
I'm figuring that this will entail a lot of mushy, gushy self praise, and I am much more comfortable with making jokes. That's how I have always addressed my weight problems. If I poke fun at myself or make light of the situation, it makes the reality of it much easier to handle. But, I see what she's saying. It all comes down to what we've discussed before...positive thinking.
It all starts with how I think of myself. How do I talk about myself? Am I encouraging? Am I complimentary? Am I forgiving? I know if someone compliments me, I perk up and feel good about myself. I mean...who wouldn't? So...I guess, I need to do the same for myself. Sounds pretty corny. But, I don't have to look in the mirror and just go on and on about how wonderful I am. All I really need to do is think more positively about myself. What my brain says will direct how my body reacts. Which, in turn, will help with my weight loss. If I think I'm fat, my body will behave like it's fat. If I think like I'm skinny, my body will behave like it's skinny. And, if I give off the "I'm skinny" energy, or just stop drawing so much attention to myself in a negative manner, that will also affect how others view me. And, by doing that, they will give off a different energy.
Alright...I think I have thoroughly confused myself! Just thinking about all of this takes up way to much energy!!
What it all boils down to is this...I am seen in a certain way by most people. They have known me to be this way my whole life. In order for the ones I'm close with to see me in a different way, I have to give off a different energy. I am seen as the funny fat girl because that is how I present myself. I have lived without many rules when it comes to eating and I hardly ever exercised before this past year. So, that is what my loved ones are used too and that is what they associate with me. Sure, they've seen my progress over the past year, but I don't think any of them have been able to change their point of view about me. And, I don't mean that in a bad way. I have never followed through with losing weight, so they, understandably, will have a hard time seeing me as anything different than what I have always been. Same goes for myself, really. Some times, even I have a hard time believing that I'm a different person. And, how will I succeed to the end, if I haven't convinced myself that I can...or that I won't fall back to the old Jill.
So, with that being said, I have got to start with myself. Talk positively and change my point of view. When I don't do that, that is when I fall into my ruts. Go about it from a whole new angle, instead of getting down on myself for what I didn't do...praise myself for what I did do.
Positive thoughts=Positive energy=Positive results.
When I stop viewing myself as the "fat girl" it will make a world of difference in my progress. There's nothing wrong with just being the "funny" girl. It doesn't have to have "fat" included. 
So...from now on...I will be known as the "Fat Free Funny Girl". Much healthier for everyone. Or, I could even be "Reduced Fat" for those that don't like Fat Free. LOL!
Much love to you all...the Skinny Girl aka Fat Free Funny Girl.

1 comment:

mylettersofhealing said...

Fat free or reduced fat, either way you are/will continue to be one of the funniest people I know :D. Sending postive thoughts and energy your way. You got this!!!