Sunday, October 7, 2012

I'm back! Game ON!!

My month and half of chaos is now complete! WHEW!! What a whirlwind of activities, events and stress! I don't think I have ever had such a busy schedule for this long in my life!
I feel like I have been in a hole, away from all my friends and family forever. But now, it's time to reconnect with everyone and everything that have been put off for so long.
I am excited to get back to my normal exercising again! Aimee has really amped up my workouts. And, I can't wait to get started and see what this body is capable of!! :)
I am also excited to start cooking in my new kitchen and stop eating out and eating crap all the time. My mission for the next few days is getting my family back on a good routine! Which means, I need to sit down and work on meal plans, chore charts and all kinds of things to keep us organized.
I was looking back at the past 8-9 months and checking out my progress and how much weight and inches I've lost each month. It's interesting to compare numbers from month to month and see which months were better than the others. And, then try to figure out why. So here is the break down...
Month 1:   Weight:  -18.2 lbs   Inches: -11.25
Month 2:   Weight:  -6.2 lbs     Inches: -9.0
Month 3:   Weight:  -12.4 lbs   Inches: -4.0
Month 4:   Weight:  -7.0 lbs     Inches: -7.0
Month 5:   Weight:  -9.0 lbs     Inches: -6.75
Month 6:   Weight:  -6.4 lbs     Inches: -3.5
Month 7:   Weight:  -6.4 lbs     Inches: -2.0
Month 8:    Weight: -4.4 lbs     Inches: haven't taken yet
***The measurement numbers are actually a little higher each month because I only had the measurement for one arm and one leg (not both) and I didn't have the neck measurements to figure in either.
The reason I wanted to break it down like this was because I wanted to see just how badly I did during my "funk" month and my chaotic month compared to the other months. And, honestly, I didn't do that bad. I didn't do as well...but it could have been A LOT worse!  I may not have been as strict or kept to the "normal" exercise routine, but I still managed to lose weight and inches!! And, I am HAPPY with that!! :) :)
Here are a couple of pictures to compare my from a little over a year ago and one taken last week. I haven't taken too many pictures of myself recently...old habits die hard when it comes to posing for pictures. I have avoided getting in them for a long time. I guess I better get over that, if I want pictures to look back on to see my progress during this.
This isn't the best comparison, but I don't have many pictures to choose from unfortunately.
And, let me just tell you how AWESOME it was to put on that dress, and not feel like a big, fat cow! I was tickled pink because I could actually see the difference and I could feel the difference!! It just goes to show, that these 9 months of hard work have paid off! What a GREAT feeling that is!!
Now...I am ready... to get my butt back in gear...FULL force!! It's ALL about ME again!!
Sorry if that sounds selfish, but that is what has to happen in order to get to my goal. And, by doing that, I am also getting my family back on track. So, by focusing on helps my family too. If I eat do they. If I get my exercise in...I have the energy to give my kids the attention that they need. When I do those things, I am happy with myself, which improves my moods...and that makes me a better and more patient mom.
So, even though I feel guilty putting myself first...I have to remember how many things it helps by doing so!! It's really hard some days. But...I am worth it!! 


Mary Wright said...

You're awesome! Don't apologize either it is ALL about you and should be. The project is Jill and that's perfectly fine. You look lovely in your dress and I hope you had a perfect evening in it. Hugs, mary

Ruth said...

Jill, those pictures totally show how much you've been working at this. You are an inspiration to all of us! I hope you can take some time to relax and breathe now, too. :-)