Wednesday, August 15, 2012

In a fog...

Don't you just hate it when you do something that you know you shouldn't, and refuse to admit that it's a problem?
Well...that's where I'm at right now. it is...I am going to admit it now. I...Jill Rowland...spend WAY too much time on the computer!!
This darn machine sucks away a very large portion of my awake hours everyday! And, you know's ALL Mike's fault!!! I never had a computer until I met him!!! So, I refuse to take the blame on this one...haha, just kidding! ;) I am totally the one at fault! I am at fault for the total lack of self discipline, of getting my big butt out of this chair and doing something productive.
I am always complaining about how I don't have time for this or I don't have time for that...I have so many projects that need to be done...blah, blah, blah! Well...DUH!! Of course I'm not getting anything done! Who would, if they spent several hours a day on the computer doing nothing that is productive towards their everyday responsibilities??
And, with having this problem, it creates several other problems. My lack of self discipline leads me to staying on the computer too late at night, so I don't get as much sleep as I should. Which then, makes me tired all day. And, when I am tired, I eat more, because I feel like I need to eat to stay awake. Sometimes I eat good foods and sometimes I eat crap foods, it depends on the day. Another thing that being tired affects, is my desire to exercise. If I am really tired, the last thing I want to do is exercise! So, some days, I really have to force myself to do it.
And, this is the funk, that I have been in the past several weeks. With the kids being home all day, we have ALL been on our electronics too much. Entirely my fault!! Some days it's just so peaceful, that I don't want to break the silence. Mainly because, I don't get much alone time, so this is my way of getting it. Problem is...I created a vicious cycle that I need to get out of.
One habit that I started a long time ago, was eating in front of the computer. Seems harmless, right?? Well...I can lose track of what I've eaten and how much I've eaten when I do this. And, that can be dangerous! An important part of eating, is to be aware of what you're putting in your mouth. If I am going to use my points on something, I want to enjoy it. And, when I eat in front of the computer, I am doing what my trainer explained to me is "Fog" eating. Fog eating is when you eat...just to eat...and you are completely in a fog as to what you are ingesting. So, it is very easy to consume way more calories/points than you realize.
Fog eating goes along with the 4 ways of eating...which my trainer explained to me. There is "Fuel" eating, where you eat foods that your body needs...the healthy foods. There is "Joy" eating, where you eat foods that you enjoy, but are not useful to your body. There is "Fog" eating, that is where you just eat and aren't really paying attention to it. And, there is "Storm" eating, where you are completely aware of eating and you can't stuff enough, fast enough into your mouth. The "Fog" eating is the hardest one for me. And, spending tons of time on the computer is making it that much easier to "Fog" eat. This is something that I need to nip in the bud before the numbers on the scale are affected by it!
One thing that I have to my advantage is that, I have become a lot more aware of my behaviors over the past several months. And since I have recognized this, I will be able to change it before it becomes too much of an issue. I have also realized that I am starting to get bored with my exercise routine and that is another reason why I have been in a funk lately. So paying attention to these cues is essential if I am going to continue to be successful in this journey of mine.
It's time to STEP IT UP! I am going to revamp my exercise routine with the guidance of my trainer and I am going to get out of this "Fog"!
Great things are in store for me...lots more change to come... and lots more small victories to look forward to!!


Unknown said...

You go girl!

Sam and Kaylee said...

I wish that I could make a comment next to every sentence. I love this post. It screams to me "Life is hard, but I'm growing stronger."