Thursday, April 26, 2012


This has been a year of changes for me...some small...some big...some worked...and some didn't. But, all of them were necessary in order for me to learn and grow.
The first major change that I have we all starting Weight Watchers again and seeing a trainer once a week. This one, by far, has been the most successful change this year. There is something different in my way of thinking this time around. And, it isn't just one thing in particular that did was a combination of things. I have approached this change with an open-mind. I have accepted the fact that I need help. I have realized that my weight and health issues won't just go away without hard work.
I have to say though...what has helped me out the most since I started this journey... are the people in my life. I have grown so close to a lot of fabulous ladies over the past year or so. And, each one of you has made such a lasting impression on me with your unconditional love and support.  And, I can't express enough how much that means to me and how necessary that is for me to succeed. I have always been a "self-doubter"...never very secure in my decisions or abilities. But, since I have had such a great cheering squad behind me...I am becoming more aware of what I truly am capable of.
Before, when I would start a weight loss program...I would be embarassed to say anything about it because it puts a spotlight on my problems. I didn't want the extra attention, so I didn't draw attention to it. And, by doing that, I would only get support from my family. Which is awesome, but sometimes you just need more. That is why I started this throw it all out there. I wanted to share my story and trials and successes with whoever was interested in listening. I am a very open person and writing for me is incredibly therapeutic. Plus, it's fun to look back and see the progress through the words written.
Another major change that I have made, has to do with money. I grew up as an only child, never knew what it was like to struggle. I never had to share, always had what I needed and/or wanted. And, things didn't change much as I got older. Mike and I get older and the kids get older...I have to start thinking about the things I want in the future, more than thinking about the things that I want now. Which means...I have to learn how to save money. **GASP** What on earth is that?!? Saving money...this concept is totally foreign to me! I have lived a life of...if I want it...I get it. I mean, seriously, what better way to live is that? It's a great fantasy but not realistic...I know! And, I am well aware of the fact that the things I want for the future are a little more expensive than a new toaster. So, back in March, Mike and I had a "Where do we want to be in 5 or 10 years?" talk. And, if we want to make this work, we need to determine a budget and STICK TO IT (that's the tricky part!). And, believe it or not...I AM!!!
My mom is SO proud...her little girl is growing up...finally! First, I started losing weight and getting healthy...and now, I have learned how to save money!! What is this world coming to?!? is my next big venture...
I want to disconnect all the computers...all the TV's...and all the video game devices for one whole week once a month. To some this sounds like "no big deal" some this sounds "absurd"...but to me this sounds like "peace". When I grew up I didn't have a computer...I had what you call "paper and pencil". I didn't have video games...I had what you call "mud pies". I did however, have a TV , but I liked to color and draw and use my imagination instead. kids think that I am from the Dark Ages and I feel it is time for them to realize how much fun can be had without the dependence of electronics.
Don't get me wrong...I have become just as dependent. But, I also remember what it was like without it. And, I am excited to see how much closer we can grow as a family when all the distractions are taken away. Plus, I will be forced to get some of my long awaited projects completed. I know it won't be easy...but it will be worth it! :)
This is my progress so far with the weight loss...
Total weight lost in 17 weeks: 38.6 lbs
**I hit my 10% goal!! I have lost 10% of my weight!! My next goal is to weigh under 300 lbs...ideally by my birthday (July 15). But, that may be a little ambitious and I am ok with that. As long as I am losing...I am happy!
Total inches lost: 12" in my waist, 5" in my hips and 4" in my chest. Plus a few inches throughout other areas.
Everyday I notice something else that is easier to do!! It's so exciting! :) :)

1 comment:

The Whittacres said...

You are doing awesome in all your changes. I think you will do well with the unplugged too if it is something you really want. You GO Girl!