Thursday, February 16, 2012

Good days and Bad days

So, I gained 1.6 lbs this week. That really sucks!! One of the goals that I had for myself was to not gain. Even if I only lost 0.2 lbs, I would be satisfied because it was a loss. I just didn't want to gain!!! UGH!
I know...that is an unlikely goal, but I like to set the standards high. Remember...I am the "Unrealistic Optimist".
This week I had 3, possibly 4 things against me.
First...I ate out A LOT this week. I had family in town which contributed to that quite a bit. I was out and about a good portion of each day. I will say though, I didn't binge on fast food and soda like I normally would. I made much smarter choices and I stayed away from soda too! Yay me!! It is SO hard to estimate points when I eat out! I have to eyeball portions and hope that there aren't any added oils or dressings that aren't on the menu. I do the best I can and I usually over-estimate what I think the point value would be.
Second...It is that time of month for #2 on weigh-in day to be exact...which is my heaviest day. Sorry...TMI probably. But, it can make a huge difference, especially with my water retention problems.
Third...I saw a new doctor Monday and she suggested that I take my medications differently. I normally take them all at night, which is probably not the best thing to do, but I forget otherwise. So, what I did was set an alarm on my phone to remind me. Now, I split the doses up. One of the pills I changed was my "water pill" to help retention. So, my body is probably adjusting to that right now also.
Fourth...I don't know if this is a cause, but it could be. My trainer gave me a new circuit...adding all new exercises and increasing the difficulty. Which is really good because that means I'm getting stronger! :) But, I hear that when muscles are sore it means that you're retaining lactic acid in you're muscles. And, I have been pretty sore! A GOOD kind of sore though! :) So, that could be a contributer too.
One thing that I DO know is that I am following my plan and exercising like a MAD fool!!
What's really weird for me is that I'm actually enjoying exercising and eating healthier. It makes me feel SO much better...physically and psychologically. I have made a Motivation Board for myself to look at...I work best with visuals to help remind me of why I need and want to do this. And, my trainer suggested that I write a Mission Statement to hang up and read everyday, so I did that too.
I'll tell ya though...PMS really messes with my moods and today I am dragging and down in the dumps. But, tomorrow I will SUCK it up...I will perk up and get my butt moving!
Next week I BETTER get that weight off!! I was SO close to my 5% goal and it really bummed me out when I gained! GRRRR! Don't worry...I'm irritated...I vented...I'll be better and back to my usual self tomorrow! Can't keep me down...
Here are some pictures of my Motivational Board and Mission Statement. Sorry if they're hard to see and read. I think I need a new camera. The picture quality and clarity aren't as good as I would like.
On the bottom it says: Go to waterparks (not humiliated) and ride rollercoasters (right now I can't fit in most of them)
I really miss cute shoes, especially Doc Martens. I also loved wearing Levi's, my bubble butt made them look good...back in the day. ;)
I REALLY want to play sports again and keep up with my kids. I want to go horseback riding. And, I want to fit in theater and airplane seats...COMFORTABLY!


The Whittacres said...

Love the motivational board and mission statement. Wish I would have known about the motivational board when I starte. LOL such a good idea!

mylettersofhealing said...

Ok so I LOVE the motivation board! It is really similar to the "inspiration boards" used in the fashion industry :). AND, you are awesome. I know you are bummed about not meeting your goal but it is a tiny tiny hiccup. Tomorrow is a new day. Next week is a new week. Keep your chin up and keep up the good work!