Sunday, October 16, 2011

Applause please...

Do you ever feel like, no matter how long you spend on trying to get something done, it never gets finished?
Being a stay-at-home mom is a priceless gift but a never ending job. Before kids, when I was a Manager working in retail, I would have projects...get them done and go home. As a stay-at-home mom, I have projects...thought I had them done and then the kids would come home. There is something very different about these two lives!
When I ran my own store, I would get a new floorset...along with a huge shipment of new merchandise and I would get SO excited! Yes, it was a lot of work, but I got to completely change my store, and use my brain to figure out how to make it look awesome. I would thrive on the praise I would get from the creative displays that I did. My Managers would send me to other stores within the company because I did such a good job with my own, and I always felt like I did a good job. Plus, I would get the satisfaction of having a job completed.
Running a household has a much different reward system. And, it usually doesn't involve verbal praise. It's hard to do the same things day in and day out and then have that feeling like it's never done. It really wears on you after awhile! Plus, I never get that praise saying, "Wow Mom! You really folded that towel awesome! That linen closet is the BOMB!!" It's just not going to happen, and, frankly...I would be kinda worried if it did. ;)
I don't know what I'm looking for really...I wouldn't give up being a stay-at-home mom for anything. Maybe I should buy one of those fake applause machines that I can turn on whenever I have finished laundry or cleaned the bathroom or something like that. Ooooh...while I'm at it, I should buy a Laugh Tract too. That would really make me feel good! :) I would get laughs no matter how stupid my joke is! Hmmm...I might have to look into that. Christmas, maybe?
Anyway...I also feel like my brain has slowly turned to mush over the past 10 years. I have lived on Dora the Explorer, Blue's Clues and Sesame Street for years...although I have recently graduated to Spongebob Squarepants and iCarly, so I am excited about that. But, I think if I were to go to school at this point, my brain would shut'd probably see smoke coming out of my ears!
As nervous as I am for my kids to grow up...I am stoked to start using my brain for adult things again. The question now is...what do I want to do when I grow up? My lastest desire is to work with animals. Possibly as a Vet Tech. Working in retail was rewarding creatively, however working with customers was not so rewarding. When you work with the public, you gain an appreciation for what service people put up with. So...with that being said...I would much rather deal with animals than people! :)
My biggest hurdle to overcome with taking on any challenge or new adventure is my lack of patience for learning something new. I am a girl that is all about Instant Gratification! Even as a kid, I wanted to be the best at whatever it was without having to practice or study. And...I hate to say it...but I am still that way. If I am not an ace at something right away, I would get discouraged and move onto something that comes naturally.
At least I have recognized this about myself, so now I can do something about it. I think that is one of the reasons eating healthy and exercising is so hard for me. It's something that I'm not "perfect" at, so I want to move onto something that I am. Which...we all know what that is! :P
I have rejoined the Athletic Club and I have made a commitment to myself, that I am going to dedicate every weekday morning to exercising. I also have some friends that are involved in that, which I love them dearly for!
Since the kids have went back to school, I have been trying to get my house "perfect", myself "perfect", my projects all finished, and also finish everything else that my mind creates to distract me from getting all those other things done. And, It's...just...not...working!! I have to reorganize my priorities and concentrate on the one thing that will help all things...and that is ME.
Loving Instant Gratification is a pain in the butt because it just won't happen with all the weight I need to lose. will happen even slower, if I keep doing things half-ass. I am going to work on exercising first because in the past that has helped me with eating correctly also. So...wish me luck!!
Once, I am not afraid to step on the scale...I will post it. :)


Michele A said...

Billy, I love you girl. Reading your post is like listening to you right beside me! How I do miss you! I'm thinking that every mom needs an applause machine. :)

Weight loss even weight maintanence is a daily struggle at any size! I'm with ya girl. I do love my snacks and they STILL love to hang around with me there after. Know you're not alone! "Applause for Billy!"

Leah Haas said...

Jill, or Billy as it appears you are called ;) I totally hear you about applause. I work and sometimes I explain to my co-workers its so that I can sometimes here Damn, you did good vs. Poopyhead.
So I have been reading your blog religiously. You seem to be able to say so much of what I can't say outloud. I just started a medical weightloss program with my doctor. Its intense but so worth it. Good luck.

The Whittacres said...

Okay,Ruth is going to be blunt...yes...I know that is not my character...and it is because I love and adore you! Here it comes...wait for it.......wait for it...STEP ON THE SCALE!!! I know how hard it is for you. But once you see even a tiny bit of a loss it keeps you start to think...I really CAN do this...and will be slow but as long even if you see little bits at a time it is still a "boost" And there is always that once a month you will gain 1-2 lbs and then the next week you it drops back off and you see another loss. YOU CAN DO THIS!!!
But like we hear a lot in the church. "God never said it would be easy...he only said it would be worth it!" Love ya JILL! Hang in there and keep working at it even if it is one baby step at a time. And I can testify you are making steps so stop letting that darn scale intimidate you so it whose boss!