Saturday, September 10, 2011

Therapy? Who needs it?!

This week I went to my Nutritionist and she brought in a Life Coach to come in and pick my brain. Let me just tell you...did he do just that! I was thoroughly confused one minute and then everything was completely clear the next minute. I was crying, I was laughing, I was irritated...I think I had about every single emotion go through me in one hour. So, I finished the hour emotionally exhausted.
He had a way of taking a simple comment and twisting it around to help me realize that what I expect of myself is impossible to accomplish. I need to be able to pat myself on the back and quit beating myself up because I didn't do more.
The simple statement was, "I feel like, if I can't do it all, I am a failure." But, really, honestly, what is "all", there really is no "all", so it is a no win situation. Therefore, I will always fail. And, what do I do when I fail?  I EAT! So, subconsciously, I set myself up for failure, in order to eat. Hmmmm. Very interesting.
I told him that I use food for comfort. So, he asked me, how do I feel when I eat, why is it comforting? And, I could not think of one postive feeling that I have when I eat. It is usually guilt or disappointment because I caved in, again. So, clearly it is not a comfort! So, what is my problem then?! And, I came to the conclusion that, eating is all I know, and either I am afraid of change, or I don't know how to change. So... now what?!
Now, what I feel like I need to do, is exactly what I was talking about in the beginning. I need to pat myself on the back for all the little things. As a mother, I have no problem doing that for my kids. So, why can't I do that for myself? It definitely won't come easy, but I am sure going to try.
You know, if you would have asked me 5 years ago to go see a therapist, I would have said, "Ya, right, no thanks!". I mean, really, how could a complete stranger know how to help me when they know nothing about me?
My fear was, that I would walk in, start talking and then they would say, "Wow! You're really screwed up...I don't think I can help you!" OR They could say, "Seriously?! These are your problems?! You really need to take a chill pill and get over it!" Either way, I thought therapists were a waste of time.
We fail to realize that, sometimes, we are struggling mentally or emotionally. And, all we need is someone to reach into our brain, and help move some of our thoughts around a little. And, that is what this Life Coach did for me.
So...for all of us that beat ourselves up over every little thing, I highly recommend getting your own Life Coach. Call up your closest friend and plan a "Pity Party". A day where you can get together and have a B**** session. Get it all out!! I am sure you'll end up laughing in the end and feel MUCH better. :)
Over the past several months I have grown closer to some great friends and we have had our Pity Parties or B**** sessions. And, I LOVE it!! It is so much fun and therapeutic too.
I understand that I will always struggle with food, and I have accepted that. This week, I have continued with my focus of making the small changes and I have done fantasticly...if I may say so myself! ;) I am patting myself on the back for keeping my priorities straight and being open-minded to change.


The Whittacres said...

Wow...I think I was a bit confused too? But then thought...ya okay...that makes sense? So I just learned a few things too. Thanks for the "free" Life coach lesson without seeing one myself...Will you be my life coach? LOL! I guess it comes down to realizing what we are doing right rather than focusing on what we are doing wrong. Hmmm....lesson learned...

christy molby said...

As always, even when you are serious you have made me smile and giggle- one of your many talents.

I just read all your posts and before I comment on your new journey ahead I want to just say that, I love you!!! You are one of my most favorite people in the world and I desperately miss getting to spend time with you like we did growing up.

I have always envied your love for life and your ease for being happy...I loved being around you cause you just made being happy so easy! You will probably never understand how much it meant to spend the summers with you guys growing up, I counted down the days until I got to come back and dreaded the day I had to leave.

Being with you and Uncle Do and Jan are the best memories I have, thank you for that and make sure you know just how much you mean to me, even if I don't say or show it often!

Now that that is said, I am so proud of the person you have become and the wife, mother, couz, and friend that you are!!! I know this will be a long rough journey and I wish you luck and offer any support I can! I think it is amazing and insiring that you are sharing your journey with us. If you need anything, let me know.
LOVE YOU, christy

Joey Sjostrom said...

Eventhough I talk to you, reading your posts put a little spin on the converstation. It's wonderful to read the "ah ha" moments you had and it's exciting to read them become more frequent. I think that is when I knew I was going the right direction with life and realizing what my issues were. I was having more and more "ah ha" moments.
Every day starts "new" so if you didn't like yesterday you can always start over.

In Joy,