Thursday, June 21, 2012

Great progress...

I have hit a milestone! So far...since January 7, which is 25 weeks...I have lost 51 lbs!! That averages out to about 2 lbs a week. Which I see as being a decent paced weight loss. I have A LOT to lose...200 lbs to be exact and one BIG worry of mine is excess skin when all is said and done. Hopefully, by losing slower and sticking to my exercise routine...I will be able to give my body the opportunity to bounce back. Only time will tell...
Believe it or not, I have really enjoyed this journey so far. One thing that I am super proud of, is the fact that, in those 25 weeks...I have only gained once. And, most likely that was due to changing my medicine particular, my water pill. So, truthfully, in my opinion, I don't think that counts! One big goal of mine, is to not gain. Even if I only lost 0.2 lbs or stay the same...I don't want to gain! So good. :)
I say it again and again...this year has been such a life changing year for me. I have learned so much about myself and what I am capable of. Joining Weight Watchers was easy to's actually following their plan that is hard. So many times, I have made an attempt at losing weight, and then realize that I have to actually follow through with my attempts for it to work. Whether it is, joining WW or buying exercise equipment or joining a gym...all of that is great and is a step in the right direction, but it won't do the work for me. I am the "Queen of Good Intentions"! I am a great planner and visualizer...but I really suck at implementing my ideas and sticking with it. That is why I am so proud of myself with what I have accomplished so far! I am proving to myself that I CAN do hard things and I CAN change bad habits.
Exercising...this is a HUGE accomplishment of mine! I have never been fond of exercising! I hate moving around...I hate the feeling of all of my fat bouncing around...and I am embarrassed for anybody to watch me. But, I just had to get over it and deal. I understood that it was a necessary evil that had to be done. I usually dread the days that I have to exercise and moan and groan for awhile. But then, I force myself and after a few minutes, I get into my groove and enjoy it. What's funny is, that, I enjoy my fat shaking around now...not that I want to stand in front of a mirror and admire myself! It's just that, it makes me feel like, the more it shakes...the harder I'm working at getting rid of it! What's even more rewarding is that because I have worked so hard, I'm am getting stronger and capable of doing more and more everyday. I recently discovered that I could do a certain exercise now that I couldn't 2 months ago. And, now my trainer has more to throw at me when she puts together my circuit. It's exciting because I can't wait to see the results. Not to's awesome to be able to move this body in ways that I haven't been able to for so long!
Food...that is a work in progress! I have made a lot a changes in this department...for the better! I am proud to say that I have been SODA FREE since January!! That is also huge for me because I love soda! Yes, I do miss it, but my health is more important. I didn't like the effects it had on me. So, I eliminated it...moderation wouldn't work with this one. I am eating A LOT healthier, more fruits and veggies. I am still struggling with fast food and fatty foods, but small steps, right? Food is the area that I really need patience with myself because I love it so much. This is also the area that I feel the most uneducated in. I have grown up eating out all the time, so cooking is something that I am still learning. There are a lot of foods that I've never used and don't know what to do with. So, my menus are pretty basic without much variety. I am always researching new recipes or asking people for tips. I think the more I learn, the better I will do with food and with getting over my dependency on fast food...the convenient choice and what I'm familiar with.
All in all...I am proud of my success so far and all that I have learned. I am excited for each day and feeling the benefits of my hard work and dedication. And, I am looking forward to learning more about myself and all the ways that I can change to make myself and family healthier!


The Whittacres said...

You should be proud! If we try to elimate everything at once it will never happen. Small steps is crucial. As you continue you it will be easier to make other changes you haven't made yet. You are doing AWESOME!

mylettersofhealing said...

Dang it girl, you better be proud of yourself! ;) You are doing amazing things. In my attempt to not right my talk for church on Sunday this scripture will not leave me alone. And since misery loves company I thought I would share it with you ;) "Wherefore, be ye not weary in well-doing, for ye are laying the foundation of a great work. And out of small things proceedeth that which is great." Doctrine and Covenants 64:33. You are doing awesome! It is all about the small steps. They add up faster than you think. Doing this for yourself is not only helping you but all those around you. Your children are lucky to have you for a mom and such a stellar example! :)